The Maximilian Agency

Bentley Maximilian


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Race: Miqote
Clan: Seeker of the Sun
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 25
Bentley is an eccentric Miqote with a love for adventure. Soft spoken at times, the loyalty to his loved ones is absolute. He is always ready to give a hand to those in need with no expectations in return. He loves to joke and laugh, yet, Bentley is sometimes too carefree, often to his own detriment. Single minded, aloof and forgetful are a few words to describe him when solving his own problems, but when it comes to his friends and family -- he will put everything on the line for their sake. He is the self-appointed Principle of The Squall, a ragtag group of misled adventurers whom he gives guidance and nurtures as a family.Likes: Big cats, the color orange, pizza, treasure hunting
Dislikes: crowds, rude people

Red Mage

Born with a high proficiency for magic and an interest in swordplay, Bentley found his calling in the school of Red Magick. Able to quickly switch between offensive and supportive roles on a whim, he prides himself on his ability to keep everything together under pressure, but can blame himself too harshly if things fall apart. The versatility of Red magick matches him perfectly, as he just wants to be useful to others.


Bentley has always known he wanted to help others, but it was no surprise after opening his first dusty tome in the Conjurer's guild that he knew he wanted be become a healer. After rigorous studies in both White and Black magick at a young age, he stumbled upon the ancient Nymian studies, where he learned to put the same faith in his fairy companion as his most loyal comrades.


Bentley realized there was more to his potenial and his knack for swordplay encouraged his transition into a Paladin. With a strong sense of duty and the desire to protect others, it was only natural for him to pick up the shield to protect those around him.

Treasure Hunter

An adventurer at heart and driven by profit (much like his father) Bentley is an avid Treasure Hunter. He is always interested in scouring Etherys for it's hidden treasure and his experience in archeology means he knows all about the valuable items in Eorzea and possibly... how to procure them.


Born to a young warrior nunh in Gyr Albania, Bentley was orphaned shortly after birth during the ongoing Ala Mhigan conflict. He moved from one refugee camp to the next, until a Hyur couple, The Maximilians, "adopted" him by stuffing him in a bag, naming him Bentley and sending him to New Gridania. There he began to realize his proficiency in magick at the conjuror's guild before being returned to his adoptive parent's goldsmithing shop in Ul'duh, on account of an accident during the recent Umbral Calamity. Despite the Maxmilian's plea for Bentley to forgive magick and become a goldsmith like them, he further trained in the thaumaturge's guild, perfecting his control on magick, until a chance encounter with a Scion named Thancred saw him recruited to the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. Now herald as a Warrior of Light and Eikon-slayer, he uses his power to protect and provide the hope to continue for those around him, much like the Maximilian's did for him.

Anastasia Maximilian

In an alternate Universe...A disturbance in the aetherial sea may or may not have caused one shard's variation of Bentley to be born as Anastasia, an equally caring, aloof and absent minded treasure hunter to her male counter part.

For lore Reasons Bentley and Anastasia cannot be in the same photographs/timeline.Message me on Twitter or in-game to collaborate with Anastasia!